Federal Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission Review is a blatant letdown to D/disabled students and a disappointing dismissal of the D/disability community.

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MEDIA RELEASE: @nus_disabilities

6th August 2024

The National Union of Students (NUS), representing over 1.2 million students across Australia, is deeply concerned about the Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation. The response neglects the pressing issues faced by students with disabilities in higher education and reflects a troubling pattern of the Australian Government failing to protect disability rights and close legislative loopholes in a timely manner.

Mairead Foley, NUS Disabilities Officer, states, “The government’s response overlooks the significant challenges faced by disabled students in higher education. Essential supports, such as Auslan interpretation, remain out of pocket and prohibitively expensive, with many students, including those on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), struggling to secure necessary funding.”

“It is unfeasible to expect an 80% attainment rate of higher education by Australian students if disabled students aren’t supported holistically in all areas of their life. This includes the right to bodily autonomy and choice of supports, higher education positive school leaver transition pathways, inclusive education and federally protected legislated rights.

The absence of a commitment to a National Education Roadmap has prevented a pathway to a Tertiary Education Roadmap, essential for advocating reforms specific to higher education. The federal government’s failure to lead on these issues breaks down national cohesion and undermines efforts for a unified approach to improving education for disabled students.

Ms Foley adds, “The federal government is shirking its responsibility and leaving states to tackle these critical issues independently. Each state has indicated that they will undertake the reforms on their own timeline, with many deadlines hinted to be in a decades time. This fragmentation weakens our ability to implement effective and cohesive reforms and hinders progress toward a truly inclusive higher education system.”

Despite the response’s shortcomings, The National Union of Students welcomes and commends the commitment to reforming the Disability Discrimination Act. It is positive steps such as these that close the loopholes on indirect discrimination and exclusion that many students with disabilities experience in education.

The National Union of Students calls on the federal government to take decisive action and provide the necessary leadership to develop a comprehensive plan for supporting students with disabilities in higher education. Immediate and coordinated reform is essential to address these gaps and improve access and support for all students.

For further comment:

NUS National Disabilities Officer
Mairead Foley

E: disabilities@nus.asn.au

NUS National President
Ngaire Bogemann

E: president@nus.asn.au


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