2023 NUS President Summit

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Hi Everyone,

Congratulations on your success in getting elected as the student representatives of your Student Unions. I am excited to announce the 2023 NUS Presidents summit which will be 2 days of training, workshops and planning for Student Organisations. The NUS Office Bearer team is very excited to work with you all throughout 2023 to improve student welfare and advocacy nationwide.

We will run workshops on skills such as media training and hear from you on what direction you want NUS to take in 2023. All campus presidents, vice presidents, general secretary, education officers and other OBs are invited to join us.

We hope to see you there, it will be a great time to broaden your skills at the start of your terms, meet fellow OBs and get to know your NUS representatives too! Plus, ALL student unions are welcome to come along, not just member organisations, so we hope to see some new faces there!

  • Date: Thursday, February 2nd to Friday, February 3rd
  • Location: Melbourne University
  • Cost: $395 per attendee – A discount fee is available, particularly for small and regional campuses, please get in touch with me directly for information.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at gensec@nus.asn.au if you have any questions or need additional information.


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