Registration has opened for the the 2022 NUS National Conference!
The NUS National Conference (NatCon) is an annual conference hosted by the NUS to elect new office bearers, consider the audited statement of accounts, consider reports of the National and State Officers, and (the best part) discuss amendments to the NUS standing policy platform.
Time: 10am – 5pm (checkout on Friday at 10am)
Dates: Monday 12th December to Friday 16th December 2022
Location: Deakin University – 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, Vic 3216
The NUS National Conference (NatCon) is an annual conference hosted by the NUS to elect new office bearers, consider the audited statement of accounts, consider reports of the National and State Officers, and (the best part) discuss amendments to the NUS standing policy platform.
Attendees get the opportunity to meet fellow student union representatives, leaders and activists. The conference hosts a range of discussions which:
Time: 10am – 5pm (checkout at 10am on Friday morning)
Dates: Monday 12th to Friday 16th December 2022
Location: Deakin University – 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, Vic 3216
Registration is now open for delegates, accredited observers, unofficial observers and student media. Here’s a break-down of what each ticket type means:
It’s time for our current team of National Office Bearers, State Office Bearers and General Executive Members to finish up their terms, so that means we’ve got to elect a new team for 2023!
The annual elections will be held from Wednesday 7th of December to Thursday 15th December 2022:
Please reach out to the Returning Officer if you have any questions.
For those who are new to this process, the NUS has a standing policy platform which is amended each year. In order to amend it, delegates submit motions to add, remove or amend sections of the platform.
In addition to this, delegates may submit urgency motions. These do not get added to the standing policy platform, but are a way to highlight key issues occurring at that point in time.
Below is a Policy Submission Guide containing important information about how policies should be drafted. I encourage you all to keep policies as concise as possible.
Policies must be submitted by 11:59pm AEDT on the 30th of November 2022 to
To assist with drafting policy, the following docs are available to guide you:
If you’d like to submit policy but you’re not a delegate, that’s more than fine. All you’ve got to do is get a member of conference (delegate, accredited observer, member of NX, or state officers) to move and second your motion/s on your behalf. You can see how to display this in the Policy Submission Guide above.
Member organisations can appoint observers, however they can only be students eligible to be elected as delegates of that member organisation.
Notification of the appointment of observers must be:
You can proxy your vote by filling out the forms below, please note the following:
You can proxy your vote to members of conference, which include the following:
If you’ve never been to an NUS NatCon and you’re unsure, reach out to your campus OBs or to us! This year’s NatCon will be the first fully in person NatCon since 2019, so it will be particularly great for new people to come along to because lots of attendees will be new to the NatCon experience. Plus we’ll have lots of NUS OBs around to help answer any questions you may have.
Until then, don’t be afraid to reach out to the General Secretary (Emily Sagolj – or Conference Organisers (Alan & Kate – if you have any questions.
Phone: (03) 9650 8908
Media Contact: 0411 606 808
Address: 1/740 Swanston St, Carlton VIC, Australia 3053
National Union of Students acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the unceded lands and waters across Australia where it conducts its business.
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